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Our Content Team (Comprises of Overseas Pakistanis, Physicians & Nurses)

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In Pakistan, where our diverse culture meets strong community bonds, many families are worried about taking care of their elderly loved ones. 

This big issue affects many people. For Pakistanis living abroad, it’s even harder because they want to make sure their parents in Pakistan are well looked after. It’s not just about medical care; it’s also about giving them love, support, and using technology to help them age with dignity.

Caring from a Distance for Your Parents

Next time when you visit your parents in Pakistan, you should have a peace of mind that there is a team managing their care.

Elderly home healthcare in Pakistan is at a crossroads, marked by a blend of traditional family values and the pressing need for modern healthcare solutions. The burgeoning elderly population, coupled with increasing health complexities, calls for a comprehensive approach to home healthcare.

Overseas Pakistanis, separated by thousands of miles from their loved ones, grapple with the anxiety of distance care, constantly seeking reliable, high-quality healthcare services that can offer peace of mind and bridge the gap of miles with trust and efficacy.

This article covers:

Can Your Family Manage Back Home of Parents’ Health Needs?

Assessing whether your parents in Pakistan need help and if your family/relatives back home can take care of your parent’s health needs:

1. Identify Signs of Need: Start by looking for the 3 common warning signs that your aging parent may need help, such as changes in mobility, appearance, and behavior. Ask yourself:

2. Assess Health and Well-being: From the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) items, we selected relevant one’s for you to gauge for your parent’s needs. This includes physical health, emotional well-being, and social functioning. Questions to ponder:

3. Evaluate Home Care vs. Professional Care Needs: Determine if your relatives can provide the necessary level of care or if professional assistance is needed. Consider:

4. Screen for Mental Health and Socialization: Mental health is crucial for overall well-being. Assess if your parents are socially active and mentally engaged. Key questions include:

5. Safety and Independence: Evaluate the safety of your parents living independently. Consider their ability to perform daily living activities and any risks present. Ask:

6. Discuss Care Preferences: Have an open conversation with your parents about their preferences for care and living arrangements. It’s important to include them in the decision-making process. Questions to discuss:

By addressing these specific questions and action items, you can better understand your parents’ needs and the capacity of your family/relatives back home to provide care. This will help you make informed decisions about ensuring the health and well-being of your parents in Pakistan.

Navigating Healthcare for Your Parents As An Overseas Pakistani: Top Services for Elderly Medical Care in Pakistan

1. PlanCare

What They Offer: At-home nursing, lab tests, elderly care, physiotherapy, and doctor visits.

Where: Available in Lahore and Islamabad.

Why Choose Them: They bring personalized, high-quality care right to your family’s doorstep, focusing on patients with serious conditions like cancer and dementia.

Contact: Reach out at +92 304 111 1949 for compassionate care.

2. Holistic Healthcare Services

What They Offer: A full suite of home healthcare services, including various therapies, nursing, and medical care.

Where: Serving multiple cities, including Lahore and Karachi.

Why Choose Them: Since 2006, they’ve been dedicated to creating custom care plans for speedy recoveries without breaking the bank.

Contact: Call +92 311 167 8679 to start a care plan.

3. ConsidraCare

What They Offer: Professional home care covering a wide range of health needs.

Where: Across Pakistan.

Why Choose Them: They’re known for their professional approach, transparent pricing, and tech-enhanced updates on your loved one’s care.

Contact: Dial +92 311 100 0515 for more information or to book services.

4. eShifa

Services: A broad spectrum of home healthcare services, including virtual doctor chats, lab tests, pharmacy deliveries, nursing, vaccinations, and physiotherapy.

Accessibility: Bringing top-tier healthcare to your doorstep, negating the need for hospital visits.

Contact: For inquiries, call +92 51 846 4646 anytime or reach their UAN at 051-111-111-567.

 5. The Aga Khan Home Health Service

Services: Comprehensive home health services, including doctor visits, wound care, medication administration, and various therapies.

Custom Care: Tailored plans for short-term recovery or long-term management of chronic conditions.

Holistic Approach: From emergency care to mental health support, they offer a full spectrum of services to meet diverse healthcare needs.

Contact: For assistance, call +92 21 111 911 911 in Karachi.

6. Sehat Kahani

Services: Around-the-clock online doctor consultations, mental health assistance, and wellness programs for businesses. Home care includes nursing, physiotherapy, and speech therapy, focusing on serious, elderly, and end-of-life care.

Advantages: Ideal for patients who need care beyond what hospitals can provide.

Contact: Visit or call +92 21-3610 0774 to learn more.


Tailored Care for Overseas Families, currently serving in Karachi only. Join the waiting list for Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and other cities.

For overseas Pakistanis, ensuring the well-being of parents back home is a top priority. offers a unique subscription-based service designed to cater to all the healthcare needs of your parents in Pakistan.

Subscription Packages: Starting from $49/month to $99/month, with the option for customized plans based on individual needs.

Comprehensive Coverage: From local doctor visits to MRI scans, transportation and nursing assistance are included to provide a seamless healthcare experience.

Expert Care Team: A dedicated group of US based doctors work closely with your concierge doctor and nurse team to provide access to world class expertise not offered by any one else. More over, regular health check-ups, vaccinations, cancer screenings, and more, with a focus on preventive care for seniors especially to prevent heart attack and stroke.

Convenience and Compassion: Medication procurement and delivery are handled with utmost care, ensuring your parents receive the right treatment without any hassle.

Continuous Support: Designed for individuals aged 55 and above, this service offers a consistent and caring approach to managing long-term health.

Urgent Care: Often you and your parents would like to have a nurse visit and a doctor do a tele-encounter on a weekend or late at night for a non-emergency medical question. The 99$/month plan allows you to get support within 2 hours of the concern. does not offer emergency services at this time. 

Once as an overseas Pakistanis you subscribe your parents to, you are covered for all health needs of your parents. By all, meaning if your mother needs a trip to a knee surgeon locally or an MRI, you will have a car come pick her up with a nurse to get this taken care of. So a complete VIP experience in all regards.

The expert team of doctors and nurses are involved in caring for your parents with love and compassion, ensuring blood pressure and glucose checks, complementary vaccinations, annual cancer screening, heart attack prevention strategies, dietitian, physiotherapist at home, responsibility to buy, deliver and arrange medication for parents, and a continuous care framework for people aged 55 and above.

This model is hailed for its foresight in managing long-term healthcare needs, offering peace of mind to families, particularly those living abroad. ‘s deployment of high-tech monitoring systems, particularly for managing blood pressure and diabetes, aligns with US guidelines, setting a new standard in precision healthcare.

These technologies enable real-time health monitoring and facilitate prompt interventions, showcasing ‘s commitment to integrating advanced technologies in home care settings.

Not only this, your parents get exceptional Personalized Care, American Doctor’s involvement in parents’ medical care (kind of free second opinion and direct supervision of American consultants in your parent’s care) and the family-like attention makes it one of a kind service.

Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic can charge 1500$ for a one-time second opinion review of your loved ones’ medical records, but by enrolling in subscription program allows US/UK-based physicians & specialists (from oncologist to cardiologist to diabetes and high blood pressure specialists among others) reviewing your parent’s health records for personalized care planning.

There is no other service in Pakistan delivering American and British healthcare standards locally.

The regular home visits by’s dedicated team, coupled with their responsiveness to urgent health issues, have earned them high praise for reliability and family-like attention. Families appreciate being kept in the loop, fostering a trustful relationship between the service provider and its clients.

A Benchmark in Elderly Care Through a combination of its subscription model, technological innovation, personalized care, and international healthcare standards, has positioned itself as a leader in elderly care services in Pakistan.

Its approach not only addresses the immediate health needs of the elderly but also assures families of the long-term well-being of their loved ones.

You can visit online or send a send a WhatsApp message at +1-319-936-3574 to learn more, or if you are ready to get started. 

Now you have gotten a sense of how some reliable offerings are available, let us walk you through the next steps so that your parents and loved ones in Pakistan are well taken care of, and you have the peace of mind.

Steps to Subscribe and Manage Care from Abroad

Follow these steps to seamlessly enroll in services, arrange home visits, and manage healthcare for your parents remotely:

  1. Research and Select a Provider: Based on this checklist, choose a home healthcare service that best fits your parents’ needs.
  2. Contact the Service Provider: Reach out via their website, email, or phone. Discuss your parents’ healthcare needs and ask about the subscription process.
  3. Subscribe to the Service: Complete any necessary paperwork and payment procedures to subscribe. This may often be done online for convenience.
  4. Set Up Initial Assessments: Schedule an initial visit for your parents to assess their health status and create a care plan.
  5. Regular Monitoring and Updates: Utilize the service’s technology platforms for regular health monitoring and receive updates on your parents’ care.
  6. Feedback and Adjustment: Provide feedback based on your parents’ experiences and adjust the care plan as necessary.

How to Evaluate Concierge Healthcare Services for Overseas Pakistanis

A Checklist

When assessing concierge healthcare services in Pakistan to take care of your parent’s health at home, consider the following criteria to ensure quality, reliability, and comprehensive care for your elderly loved ones back in Pakistan:

Tips to Maintain Effective Communication with Healthcare Providers: 

Maintaining effective communication with your parents’ healthcare providers is crucial. 

Here are some tips:


Caring for aging parents from afar is a profound challenge that many overseas Pakistanis face, carrying with it a heavy emotional toll. The distance amplifies feelings of guilt and stress, as the desire to provide care clashes with the reality of geographical separation.

Traditional values deeply rooted in Pakistani culture emphasize the importance of familial care, especially for the elderly, making the decision to rely on external help even more difficult. However, innovative solutions like telemedicine and home healthcare services are emerging to bridge this gap, offering a semblance of peace and assurance.

These services allow overseas Pakistanis to ensure their parents receive the necessary medical attention and support, even when they can’t be there in person. 

If you have specific questions or concerns about your loved one’s care needs and need guidance, email us at and we will do our very best to help you find the best possible answers for your parent’s health needs.